Saturday, October 20, 2012

Friday night / Saturday Morning

Well, we worked for most of the evening today and got a lot of posts out there.  We only had problems with one person, and sorry to say, she had to go!  *BLAM!*  Your outta here!  Other than that we have some loser who keeps adding and then taking off their LIKE when we get to any number like 2500, 2550, 2600!?!  So we just laugh and let them keep adding and taking it back off!  Silly and pointless but whateva!

Since we have changed our format we have gotten more LIKES.  A lot more fun and LIKES than when we were just putting up kittens and trees! (which we love)  We enjoy ourselves so much and love interacting with all our friends.  Our format now is more humor mixed in with thought provoking quotes.  And yes!  It is for adults and has poopy words and some adult content!  But WTF!  It is a hell of allot more fun!  So if they don't like it maybe they can find somewhere else to complain!  Like a psychologist office.  LOL!  We're here to have fun! and interact with our friends and other community pages who share ours!

We also have Crowe's sister coming in and the guys are really happy about that!  I'm sure you will like her and she's so looking forward to it!  She has the same sick humor as us, so look out! Well, back to work and much love Love to you all!

- Holly & Crowe

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