Friday, December 14, 2012

We Pray for you all! Only Love!

Saying Goodbye

I am sorry that we have not posted to the Blog for the last few weeks.  The truth is I couldn't get myself to write anything positive.  I was in a wonderful moods, but just a downright laziness stopped me from posting anything.  I wanted to do it in my heart, but just kept putting things off.

I know we all put things off, but today I cannot continue to do this.  First, is for me, I love posting to this On Second Thought Blog and sharing my thoughts and hopes.  The second is sadly because of what happened today.  Today Twenty Seven People Died in a school shooting.  Most of the victims were only Six to Ten Years old.

I cannot tell you how much this hurt my soul.  My heart skipped a beat, and I had to stop reading several times.  Nothing can preparing us for the horrible murder of our children.  My heart stops if I see a child trip and fall!  The thought of someone intentionally hurting small children for any reason was sickening to every ouch of my being.  Why?  Why such hatred?  Why such anger?  What did they do to ever deserve this?  Of course, the answer is nothing!

Nobody can tell you why these things happen... there is no good answers, because answers come after the fact.  The only thing we can try to do is comfort each other and try to grow and learn.  We can honor and show our love by our actions.  It is here that we can help others through this tragic event.

I was asked today where was God today by someone being angry, and a little bit hateful.  Upset.  My answer was that God is there and to blame anyone other than our own selves for such horrors is to step aside of our responsibility.  The thing that killed these children WAS human.  I wish I could blame it on an animal, or a disease, but it was not.  It was a very disturb and sick individual who has probably needed help for a very long time.  Was he evil?  That is philosophical, but I would say not entirely.  Most people are shaped these ways through life experiences.  Mix that with Psychological disorders and some personal stressors and your are asking for trouble.  Does this take away from his horrible acts?  NO  !  What he set into motion was sickening and a tragedy.  I just wish someone had seen his problems and done something about it.

Sorry for rambling on...  in short:  My heart goes out to the survivors and the children they have lost.  I only ask we all stop and show some type of kindness to others.  If we just show a little bit of old fashion kindness and respect to each other this world would be such a better place.  Smile more and laugh.  We all can make a difference.  Thank you!  - Crowe & Holly, OST

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thank you and we love you!

But not with you!!!

On this most beautiful of days I just wanted to take this time to remember the friends who make all the difference in my life.  Not just the ones I know, but the ones I do not.  Who stop by OST and wish us the very best.  Some have only just discovered the site and are new friends with us.

It is these kind sweet hearted people who make us feel so loved and a sense of something bigger.  Have you ever noticed how much energy hatred and anger use up inside you and how good it feels to let that go.  To feel it flow out of you, just the physical act of taking a deep breath and loosening up your muscles can make all the difference in your daily life.

We live our lives with too much rush and running around and too little thought of the small things and the kindness and beauty in everyday life.  So to my friends I would wish you many things, but of all these things I would wish you a moment to reflect on something pretty or simple and to really enjoy that moment of relaxation.

I wish you and all my friends time and patience and beauty in your lives.  Remember Beauty is only waiting to be discovered, you only have to look and slow down, and you will see it all around you.  Smile and say something nice to someone.  Be kind and patient.  Be hopeful and rejoice in the incredible diversity of life around each other!  We love you.  And we will be hereto help you when you need us... just like you have been for us.  Together we can accomplish anything!  - Crowe & Holly, On Second Thought