Well, with all the wonderful work Holly is doing on the Facebook Community page I thought I better start working too! So here goes! A new post on our blog!!! I know... I can't believe it myself. I stopped writing after the Connecticut shootings and just did not come back. I think part of it was the post affected me, but it was also a hard time for us struggling to keep Facebook going.
Holly has been working so hard on OST, and Facebook has not always been so easy to work with. We have been banned, blocked, hacked and sometimes insulted. Holly took it pretty good! If you know Holly she pulls no punches and WILL tell you what for at times. She has it hard and little things hurt when you try as hard as she does. I on the other hand work in the background when I do and am affected much less directly than her.
We both try very hard to bring happiness and a smile to our friends on On Second Thought. It is our hope that you can find a little bit of peace and fun with each visit. Making this world a little bit better one smile at a time is why we do this. Not for likes, we appreciate them, but we enjoy your laughter and smiles much more. So please stay tuned and I promise to keep this portion of OST updated much more often. In fact, I am desperately looking for blogger! So let me know if you can help!
We love you guys very much and appreciate the kindness you show on Facebook. Please be sure to stop by and join in the fun. We post what we like and hope you like it too! We also share pages WE find fun and entertaining. And I also hope you share the things I create. They are there for you to enjoy! And it really helps us and me out when you share them with others! It also makes me so happy to know others will maybe laugh at my creations and enjoy themselves. We wish you the very best! Much Love to you all!
- Crowe & Holly
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