We, (Holly and Crowe) would like to welcome you to our blog for OST. What is OST you ask? OST is or Facebook Community Page that we run called On Second Thought. You can always visit us there by going to http://www.facebook.com/chhvh
We are always there most of the hours of the day, and if we aren't then an administrator normally is. That is the reasonable hours of the day... unless one of us can't sleep and then we're there in the middle of the night too! In fact other than eat, sleep and facebook.... we don't do much! (well nothing we want to tell you about here!)
So why OST and what is it!? OST was an idea I had about a year ago. I wanted to make a Facebook site that was nothing but funny and positive for everybody to enjoy. So I staked out a name and could only register On Second Thought. Then I promptly forgot about it and went back to drinking! Holly saw it somehow and start messing around with it. A week later I'm heating up a microwave meal and I hear her laughing. Thinking she has been messing around with my medication I went to see what she was doing. And there she was typing and posting away! I couldn't even figure out how to make it work and here she is running it within a week!!! She doesn't know anything about computers or the internet, but she already got a like within minutes of starting up! (And nothing was posted to the page yet!?!) Then another like and another and another!!! And she was hooked! ...ok I was too, but it was her baby and I let her run it.
About a month into it, she asks me to make something special for someone and I reluctantly do. Oh, I guess I should tell you I am extremely lazy! So I make some digital art and it turns out pretty good. She's happy, he's happy and I'm very happy ...to be done. But then she starts incorporating my art and asking me to do more all the time! Next thing I know I've got a lot of free loaders asking for free art... but at least people do like it!
So here we are! Making and finding and remixing pictures and art online on facebook!
So what is On Second Thought? It is a place were thousands of people go to have fun and see what we will post next! People share our stuff so others no friends with us yet can see it and we all have fun! What is it all about? Well... OST is a site for nothing but fun and kidding and good times. A place you can laugh together and see new funny pictures and humor. It is a place where we don't discriminate and we don't talk much about religion. We make fun of this stuff sometimes, but not a lot. The only thing we judge is each others humor! We run it sure, but it belongs to all of us! We respect everyone and just have a blast! No hating or arguing or ugliness! Unless it is being made fun of! In short OST is for you and me and all of us to just be us and have fun! Come join us, we'll be glad to see ya!
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