Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Repairing the Fabric of Life

Today I read a very good message of hope and learning from Rabbi Aaron Benjamin Bisno.  It was cute, and I thought a good message for all of us.  How do we repair the world?  Read it and see if you agree we all can make a difference if we try.  It kind of fits with what we are doing here at On Second Thought.  Trying to help life be better, funnier and happier one person at a time.  We love you guys!  And hope to see you On OST today!  Crowe is working on new funnies, and I am already drinking my coffee!  - Holly & Crowe

Repairing the Fabric
One of the traditional Jewish acts of mourning is the tearing of our clothes -- the performance of what is called kri'a -- literally tear in Hebrew. By ripping the fabric of a lapel, a pocket, a sleeve, or a black ribbon opposite our hearts, we acknowledge through a physical act of tearing, the emotional and psychic sundering death brings.
In response to the loss, fury and sorrow we experience as we process grief -- in response to what our President has called our "quiet, unyielding anger" at the upending of our world, Jewish Tradition decrees we rend the fabric of our garments, that we might thereby be returned in some small measure to wholeness.

But what shall we do when it is the fabric of our society and world that is rent? What shall we do when it is the rending that is the cause of and not the response to our grief? What shall we do then? How shall we react when the way we understood the world and our place within it is today rendered unrecognizable and we cannot go back to the way it ever was? What do we tear then? And how do we begin to make our world whole again?

Perhaps an answer can be found in the story of the young student who found a large map of the world in the newspaper. Curious, the student took the map to his teacher. Seeing an opportunity to challenge the student, the teacher took the map of the globe and tore it into many, many pieces. Fragments of paper fell to the floor at the student's feet. And then handing over a roll of tape, the teacher challenged the student to reassemble the map of the world, and then the teacher returned to work.

The student dropped to the floor and, in short order, completed the assignment by correctly taping together each of the pieces of the whole of the world. Where only minutes before the image of the world we believed we had known so well was torn asunder, and strewn across the floor, now it was being offered up as an intact whole.
When the teacher asked the student how it had been possible to reassemble the fragmented world so quickly, the response was short and to the point: "There was a picture of a person on the back side. I repaired that one person and the whole world got fixed too."
(Rabbi Aaron Benjamin Bisno

We would like to thank Rabbi Aaron Benjamin Bisno and the URJ for making this message of happiness open to the world, not only for Jewish followers, but non-Jewish friends and love ones.  Thank you for being a beacon of hope and friendship in this world of ours.  - Crowe

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Faith, Hope and Love

Holly & Terry's favorite Saying.

     Sometimes, the hardest things to handle hit us when we least expect it.  I know at least for us here at On Second Thought we fill our day with laughter and happiness as much as we can.  It is through this effort that we have met so many wonderful people.  They tell us we have touched their lives, and I know they have deeply touched ours.  We have grown so much as people.  Learned so many new things and helped each other through some really hard times.  I guess it is the good times that sometimes make the bad things so much harder to cope with.

     Life is not a given.  We should all know that.  Sometimes life throws us so hard and so fast for a loop it is hard to hold on to anything.  Especially hope and faith and sometimes even love.  But it is these very times that test us, sometimes far past our limits, that we need these three things.  Faith, Hope and Love.  These three... hold these three things sacred, but the most of all Love.

Friday, November 23, 2012

We're Flying now!!!

We have really been blessed to have met and made this many friends.  Holly almost cried today when OST hit 5000, why not?  She has worked so hard and I love her for that and so much more. Today I watched as all of us opened up and shared and laughed and had so much fun!  It was on of the best day we have, and I have ever had on OST.  Thank you so much for making this a place to come for fun and good times.  For love and laughter and maybe even a little tears.

The love and support we have received while doing this is incredible.  And for this I thank you.  Let me leave you with a couple of our Original pieces we have shared on OST.  Thank you friends!  Thank you!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Turkey day!!! From an Indian!

Well, this is an interesting day for me and Holly!  How to celebrate Turkey Day?  Holly thinks it is offensive for me... I like the turkey!!!  But as a Native American it has always been a little odd at times.  I mean have you ever been asked to dress up like your historical enemies and star in a school play singing the exploitation of your people!?!  LOL!  But let's not get to serious now!  I mean WE NA's came make more fun of anything than anyone else can!

So pass the gravy and don't scrimp on the Potatoes!

But then again I have to remember a couple of quotes I have come to like over the years.  And what better time to share them than right now!  So here goes...

Historically speaking, we went from being Indians to pagans to savages to hostiles to militants to activists to Native Americans. Its five hundred years later and they still cant see us. We are still invisible WTF!?!

The objective of civilizing us is to make Indian history become our permanent reality.

Both of these hard hitting quotes were by John Trundell, who I know nothing about but these two quotes. But I love them!!!

   So here we are celebrating the slow demise of my culture and stuffing our faces like only americans can... but that's cool!  I'm still here and having fun.  I even made a new piece to post on On Second Thought's Facebook Community Page and it is going over good!  I hope you enjoy it!

Love to all my friends and hope and prayers for a better future for all mankind!  The one I made for other Native Americans I'll post on our secret websites later!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Respect is where the heart is

The other day I read about two friends with completely different beliefs.  They believed in different policies, different candidates, different forms of government and even different gods!  But the one thing they had was friendship.  What made this possible I wondered and they told me it was just simple respect.  They respected each others differences and liked each other for them.  They rarely even argued... they just got along.

It is things like this that give me hope for humanity.  Hope that we can turn our differences into interesting things to talk about! Turn our dislike and maybe misunderstandings into topics to bring us closer even if we don't subscribe to these beliefs.  To do any less is ignorant and selfish, period!

So please remember that when you take a hard stance on an issue, due so with at least kindness to others.  For when we judge others through our own beliefs, it is these very beliefs that are hindering our growth and learning.  Take a chance and accept a person as a person first and reserve your judgement for their actions as a person.  You world will open up and you will have less stress, more comfort in situations with others and less negative feelings.  Don't hold yourself back by trying to hold others back.  Enjoy yourself, your life and the world around you!

    -Crowe & Holly

Monday, November 19, 2012

Live a little and be yourself!!!

     The deep belief in yourself is sometimes all we have to hold on to.  You have to know ou can do it in order to do it.  I use to be so scared of failure I wouldn't even try!  Would quit before I even tried.  Better to miss out than not to make it!  ...well, That's Bullshit!!!

     You know I missed out on so many things in my life doing this.  It is only now after I missed out that I see what I really missed.  I cared so much what other people thought I would let them choose and never think for myself.  God are you going to wear that?  Are you going to hang out with HIM???  Don't you wanna go?  What are ya scared?  Who the hell were they huh!?!  I an adult now and I kick myself for falling for any of it!  So stupid and scared of not fitting in, or not missing out I went along with a hell of a lot and missed out on a hell of a lot more.  Well I'm sick of it!!!

     I've changed so much since those days.  I do what I want and have fun doing it!  I don't hurt anybody and don't judge people very much on what the do either.  You know it is so much easier to find out who your real friends are when you be yourself!  Think about it!?!  How much do you bend for other people???  Ahh... you too eh?  Well not me brother!  Not anymore!

     Last year I took two friends with me to eat at a Mr. Gatti's Pizza.  We all ate the buffetand I left a huge tip. (I love leaving tips!)  Anyways, as we joked and walked to my car some people come outside.  After us!  It's the ENTIRE STAFF of the MR GATTI'S PIZZA.  The pizza cutter is even holding his two handled cutter and shouting!  The manager says,"We  don't want your KIND back in this place again!"  Kinda slow for a minute I look around.  I mean I am a 6'3" Biker looking Native American and mean looking even on a good day!  LOL!  Then I get it.  My friends, one is black and the other is flamingly gay.  Or maybe they really hate us indians... don't know... don't care!  I turn and start walking back.  Love a good fight, but the black girl pulls me back and the scatter like the cowards they are.  And I shake my head.  In this day and age!  Amazing!  I guess I should have been dumb and white and toothless that day or something!  lol!

      Anyways, this is what I am tell you!  Stand up and be proud of what or who or what you believe you are!  I never did care about being seen with them... they are my friends.  I was having fun and refuse to let ignorance or stupidity slow me down.  Stand up and be yourself.  At least one day a week eh!??  Live a little, I promise you... you won't regret it!

                                                  - Crowe & Holly

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A little bit of kindness goes so far

   We have recently added a few articles that we hope will help anyone who happens to visit. We do this, in hopes that if you are feeling bad, depressed or sad that maybe this will help. We've all been there, but sometimes a word from a professional in the field could really help. We hope you don't need it! ...but when or if you do... there it is!

   As for us, we have been having crazy days as always!  We have started a series of Deep Thoughts that takes all the seriousness out of seriousness.  We call it,"I Wonder..." and is an OST original!  We hope you like it!

   I read something the other day about how the little things that we do to help each other can have enormous affects on others.  I read it and thought about it a little bit.  I tried to imagine what I could have done that really made a difference... and you know what?  I couldn't.  But that's OK, because I don't think it is the HUGE things that we do... it is the little bits of kindness that makes the biggest differences.

   I guess my advice for this is just to be kind to each other and good things will happen.  "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow... but soon and for the rest of your life!".  I love that quote from Casablanca.  It really is the little things that make all of the difference. Thank you!!!
- Crowe & Holly       

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Do something! Anything.

   I made this picture for OST a long time ago.  I have always loved the sea and lighthouses of course and the quote is mine.  I was very proud of it.  It conveyed what I wanted it to.  A symbol of hope when life looked dangerous and stormy.  A single vestige of promise looming out of the darkness.

  Sometimes we all need that.  Something to hold on to.  Some sign of hope and security in this rolling world of ours.  Like a last bastion of sanity when we have reached are wits end.  I guess we all need that sometimes.  I'm tired of crying out to the horizon with no one to hear me cry!

   We all need something.  Love, caring, understanding, hope... something.  Human companionship.  Something so small and so easy to give, but impossible to obtain, or so it seems at times.  Why can't we just give it.  Why can't we just be supportive when someone needs us.  Maybe it's just to listen.  To nod your head and say, "I understand.  I've been there.  I know something that helps."

   The opportunities are out there to do something but nobody is out there to help!  Where are you?  Where have you been?  Can't you just slow down for two minutes to hear me cry?  Is that two minutes so vital... so precious you can't spare them if nothing else???  Where are you when your life is making sense and mine is not!?!  Why can't you stop ...just stop and listen to me?

   I hear these unspoken words in so many of us and it's sickening.  It sickens me.  We say we help... but do we really?  Do you take the time to just listen?  Really listen?  Feel something!  Anything... anger even!  Yell at me and say it is going to be OK!  Do something... don't just stand there.  Reach out and touch me or hold me and something.  Listen for once and help me.

   You know... if we just did that this world wouldn't be in the shape it is now.  Do something for someone and you will be paid back... tenfold!  Just do something.  Anything.  OK?  Alright... I will be right back after this shot of Demoral...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Make your life better for all of us!!!

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.        - Albert Einstein

    I wish there was an easy way to convince people to just try to like each other.  Just to talk at least civil to one another and I believe the world would be a much nicer place.  It always seems that the moment you try to change the world someone stands up and pushes you down.  Maybe it is fear of change or of progress forward.  I think it is because without hatred they would feel weak and vulnerable.  A better to be tough and lonely than open to ridicule and the fear of ones own acceptance kind of attitude.  I don't really know, but I know we are all guilty of indifference from time to time.  Maybe it is just easier not to care and look away.

   All I know is this  if WE don't try to make our lives better then who will?  There is no pill or therapy session to make us want to improve this world.  And I know the easiest way to make this world so much better starts with us.  Make the world kind and accepting and your world will open up and your burdens you carry around with you will disappear.  I'm starting today... maybe you'll try a little too and we'll all be happier.

                                                          - Crowe

Daily Inspirations

But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.
 - Martin Luther King

     I re-read these words today and had to stop. They echoed so much the feelings that I hold for all of us. To me, it speaks of warm ideas and the beautiful freedom to share them freely with each other. Without bitterness on either side and without foul judgement or retribution.  To be able to say, "I am different from you, my beliefs are different than yours, let me share them so we can be closer and friends.  Accept me as me and do not judge me before you even know me.  Because if we could only see each other then there would be no hatred between us.  If we could just see each other with all our differences as unique and beautiful then this world would be a better place and us a better people."  To me this is what his words scream out from so many years back.  BE MY FRIEND FIRST!  LOVE ME BECAUSE I AM ME.  TAKE JOY IN OUR DIFFERENCES!  LET OUR DIFFERENCES ONLY ADD SUBSTANCE TO THE SOUP AND NOT FUEL TO A FIRE.

I just wanted to share this with you today.  I wish the world would not judge first and ask questions later.  After all my years I have found Hatred and anger only hinders yourself.  It has no positive outcome.  It has no positive properties.  Car about someone you don't even know and you will be a better, stronger and happier person for it... I guarantee!  Thank you so very much for listening.

 - Crowe & Holly OST

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thank you friends!

Did you ever notice how few and far between really good friends come into your life?  People flow into and out of our lives all the time, but finding really good people that are there through thick and thin and stay with you is a rare and glorious thing.  Real people, simple truthful and caring people seemed to be a fading phenomenon, but they are still out there.  People who pick your spirits up and can laugh or cry or stand indifferent when you need them too.  In short true friends.

Today, I saw so much of this.  So many people I am proud to call my friends came asking me if everything was alright.  The crisis might not have been large, but you could feel the caring and love flowing from so many people that I know that I am truly blessed.  In my hour of need you where there and for that I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for being so good to Holly and me.

This is what On Second Thought is all about.  Caring.  Being there, and bringing joy and laughter into each others lives.  I thank you helping us make this a great place for all of us!

                                                             - Crowe & Holly

Monday, November 12, 2012

Have a wonderful night and better tomorrow!

Don't take things too seriously!

Today was a great day!  A holiday for some, we had a fairly good turn out.  Holly has caught the cold that I had last week and is very sick.  Regardless of this she has stayed at it and made it a great day at OST.  We have had a lot of page Administrators share us and I wanted to take this time to thank them for all their kindness!  We love you guys and all the great pages out there!  This week I am going to put together a Links page and put links to all of our favorite ones.

We try to make each day about loving and sharing and having fun.  Our comedy is at times a little rough, but it is all in good fun!  Don't worry we make fun of things we hold dearly too.  There is nothing better to break tensions than laughing at one own self and beliefs.  We do this to bring us closer and together, never in spite and hatred.  To make light of something on our page is to embrace it and share it in a sillier way with the rest of the world.  We hope no one is ever offended.  We've had no complaints yet!

So be sure to check out the OST Facebook page and join in with us tomorrow!  Just stop by for a laugh and  a chuckle or two.  The more you participate and leave feedback and comments the more we know you love it too.  So big hugs!!!  and hope to see all of you tomorrow!

                                                  - Crowe & Holly  OST

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Holly hard at work

People were coming out of the woodwork today to say hello!  We sure are blessed to have so many friends out there from all over.  Holly has been working hard and running the whole show all by herself, seeing that I am sick.  I figured, that while I was laying here in bed try to recoup, I'd let you know how hard she works.  Holly, my wife, has a heart of gold.  She just loves to make people laugh and just to brighten up their day.  I can normally help her find and post and field questions and comments, but this week I've been out of it.

Holly has from the moment she has gotten up, handled OST single-handed.  She is off and running with her post from first thing in the morning to when I am getting ready for bed and we still go back and check from time to time.  I have been so happy to see OST grow and she gets so excited when we get near a big number like 2000 or 3000.  That's is why I wanted to take this moment and thank you, our friends, for making OST what it is, and her so happy everyday.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I'm still making remixes and art for Holly and hope you guys like it.  When I'm feeling better I'll take the reins for awhile and give her a break!  Until then friends, I bid you goodnight and good luck!

                                                                       - Crowe

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Working away on OST can be tiring at times even with all the great friends we have a make everyday.  Just the hours alone can be overwhelming!  But we love it so!  We both work so hard to make this happen, Holly   especially.  Those endless hours might seem daunting to most...but not us!  We love cracking up with our good friends over all the hilarious stuff that we post to each other.  So we started to call other admins and ask them their thoughts and ideas for this page... and here it is!  A way for you to CALL us from your phone directly to us!  Crowe has added a google phone app to the OST BLOG page!!!  All you do is click and it asks for you number and name.  It then calls your phone and automatically connects you through to our Call center!!!  Just click it and your either talking to us when we're available... or at least leaving a message for us so we can call you back.  All on the Internet and your phone.  No charges or nothing!  Check it out and we hope to hear from you soon!

                                                                                    - Crowe & Holly

P.S.  We are currently looking for people who love to blog and or run websites.  We have a Google + On Second Thought Website start up and just need someone who loves to have fun with others.  Must be an Internet addict!  Must have a clean... but quick sense of humor!  ...and you have to have good posting and interaction or customer service skills!  Hours are when you wish to update the site with material.  You will be interacting with us daily!  ...and the pay is great!!!  $0!!!   Nata!  Ne'enta!  Bubcuss!  Zero, Zilch and finally NOTHING!!!  Your not working... your making friends and helping OST out.  So think about it and message us!  Thank you.
                              - Crowe ~~~.v.~~~  (The Artist.)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Holly's sick and I'm in control!

Well... Holly's not feeling good today.  Might be a migraine, but I am hoping not.  We'll know when she gets up in the morning!  She is such a sweetie and I love her so much.  I went shopping and got her some of her favorite things.  She'll be feeling better soon!  So I took over OST late last night and into the morning.  If she is feeling well enough she will take over in the morning around 8AM.  I am having a ball with all our friends and posting silly stuff all night.  We know many people are asleep after fretting about the election all night, but it is over now and it is time for us all to pull together and make a difference.  It doesn't matter who you voted for... what matters is that we are all American and we are strong proud and hopefully friends throughout this election season!

I better get back to grinding the gears on OST!  Take care and talk to you all tonight!

                                                                 - Love Crowe & Holly

Monday, November 5, 2012

We're Back!!!

     Well, we have been working very hard to organize our photo's on OST!  With Six thousand plus this get's very tedious!  I am almost willing to pay someone to run our archives of photo posts!  Almost!  Crowe has been doing that and nothing but artwork!  He is an Art Network Admin and subscriber as a professional artist and is now studying watercolors and new drawing techniques.

     As for me... I have been working the page, mostly alone.  I had a friend help one night to get a day off and then Christy, my cousin stopped by and helped me this week.  She will rarely be around, but thanks for the help!  She can't type or spell either!  so we drive Crowe nuts with Questions about sentence structure and spelling and punctuation.  He just glares at us now and has faced his chair towards the wall when working on his art!  lol!  With his earphones on to hear his instructor over the blaring songs by Adele and Guns -n- Roses he just nods and says, "mmmmmmmmm hmm.", and goes back to his classes!  It's so funny!

     I've been blessed so much with having such great friends online such as you!  Everyday, I can't wait to get up and see what is happening and what to post next to make us all smile.  Without you my friends none of this would be possible!  I love you guys so much and love to see you comments and likes!  SO COMMENT MORE DAMN IT!  lol!  My girlfriends out there are so funny and it is so fun to let loose and joke around like school girls or something.  Man can we get wicked or what!  Keep it sexy girls!  We know what they like!  lol!

     Ok more later!  Back to OST!  and Cindy Lauper is on!  Have fun!

                                                                                                  - Holly, OST

Peter Max Artwork.  lol! his stuff is worth millions now, but when I was a kid I use to buy his stuff and like cut it up and tape it to my wall!  Ahhhh!  If I only knew! lol!  (Crowe is just shaking his head.)

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Body Baker

Ridiculous Facts

   Unarrom’s Baked Goods specializes in making very realistic human body part bread.  That's right a hand, a foot, a head, organs, ears, whole cadavers.  They make it all!  Out of deliciously disturbing hand made bread which he molds by hand into hideous human form.  Ever seen a zombie in a movie laying on the ground?  Well... no you can not only have that zombie, but you can eat it too!  What could say, Mmm... I was thinking of you than a disturbingly real body baked good!  It's a hit with the kids!